Our Success Rate


Aayush Fertility Center is consistent leader in successful outcomes for patients in the all parts of india. One of the most frequently asked questions by patients is “What is my chance of getting pregnant? And quickly that question is followed by “What are your lab’s pregnancy success rates?” Aayush Fertility Center has consistently demonstrated and reported superior pregnancy success rates. And more importantly Aayush Fertility Center has demonstrated superior live birth rate per transfer. Our center is committed to the formal reporting and validating process.

While infertility statistics are meaningful, they cannot measure the satisfaction of all of our patients, whatever the outcome of their infertility treatment. Our practice is put to the test daily earning the continuing trust and respect of our patients and our colleagues. We are proud of our record and the enduring relationships we have with the many individuals who have passed through our doors.

We can help you evaluate all of your options, establish realistic expectations, and follow an appropriate course of infertility treatment, which might include promising new therapies. The field of infertility is moving forward at an astonishing pace, and through research we keep our practice firmly in the forefront of these advances.

Our IVF success rates are among the highest in the country, Aayush Fertility Center has set itself apart as one of the leaders in IVF success rates. The ultimate goal is to help couples have children. To work toward this end, our highly skilled team works diligently to stay on top of quality control. We make every effort to continually improve our knowledge base and our methods. Some of the reasons we are so successful:

» Use of the latest technologies

» Maintenance of stringent quality control

» Hiring and training the best people

» Commitment to ongoing learning